PDMT or The Probabilistic Difference Maker Theory (Scarantino and Piccinini), Deacon's systems theory and Percian semiotics based 'absence' theory, and Floridi's transcendental binary relation reduction all have two things in common: 1 They're all theories (or perhaps more of
— Bruce Long 龙布鲁斯博士 (@longbulusiboshi) July 16, 2022
Any sufficiently complex information processor *might* do. There is the question of whether the material constituents of the processing system matter. It could be that neuroprotein circuits and synapses, or something very like them, are necessary conditions. #consciousness https://t.co/ZHuyhWPlUV
— Bruce Long 龙布鲁斯博士 (@longbulusiboshi) July 14, 2022
Natural information that inheres in natural systems is not alethic. It's not something that has the property of being true or false (or even only true). This is a statement of rejection of the veridicality thesis. You've either got an encoded representation (signal/message)
— Bruce Long 龙布鲁斯博士 (@longbulusiboshi) July 14, 2022