Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Advanced) AHEGS
PhD Philosophy Testamur
Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Advanced) AHEGS
PhD Philosophy Testamur
MPhil English (Informationist Science Fiction Theory)
CASPER results available to selected and vetted persons upon request.
Published Work
- Long, Bruce 2023 Scientific Metaphysics and Information. Forthcoming from Springer Nature.
- Long, Bruce 2019 “A Scientific Metaphysics and Ockham's Razor” Axiomathes. doi.org/10.1007/s10516-019-09430-5
- Long, Bruce R. 2018 “ISR is Still a Digital Ontology” (Informational Structural Realism). Erkenntnis. doi.org/10.1007/s10670-018-0041-5
- Long, Bruce R. 2014. “Information Is Intrinsically Semantic but Alethically Neutral.” Synthese 191 (14):3447–67. link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11229-014-0457-7
- PhD Thesis: A Scientific Metaphysical Naturalisation of Information tinyurl.com/ybawx9o5
- Long, Bruce R. 2010. “Complex Science for a Complex World.” Metascience 19 (3):441–444. doi.org/10.1007/s11016-010-9427-y
- My MPhil in English incorporates continental philosophy and modern-postmodern literary theory goo.gl/2KAejP
Papers in Review
- Long, Bruce 2023 “A call for the inclusion of religious schizophrenia disorder in the DSM” (in review)
- Long, Bruce 2022 “Informational Strong Illusionism” (in review)
- Long, Bruce 2022 “Is histrionic personality disorder real or is it a misclassified adaptation?” (in review)
- Long, Bruce 2022 “The Informational Model of Mental disorder” (in review)
- Long, Bruce 2021 “Massive shmodularity: An information-theoretic model for cognitive representations” (in review)
- Long, Bruce 2020 “Against Absential Information” (In review: second round)
- Long, Bruce 2018 “Closing the explanatory gap with informational qualia” (in progress)
- Long, Bruce 2017 “Millikan’s Paintings: Transmission Non-accidentality Requires Physical Channels” (in progress)
July 2018 - November 2018 |
Tutor ‘What is the Human’: School of Humanities and Communication Arts, Western Sydney University |
January 2018 - June 2018 |
Tutor in Identity, The University of Melbourne. |
January 2018 - June 2018 |
Tutor in Reason and Logic, Federation University. |
June 2017 - November 2017 |
Tutor in (Normative) Ethical Theory PHIL20008, The University of Melbourne |
June 2014 - November 2014 |
Tutor in Ethics and Philosophy, Western Sydney University. |
Jun 2011/12/13 - Nov 2011/12/13 |
Tutor PHIL1013 Society, Knowledge, Self. The University of Sydney (3 semesters.) |
February 2013 - June 2013 |
Tutor PHIL1011 Reality, Ethics, Beauty at The University of Sydney |
June 2012 - June 2013 |
Tutor in PHL134 Introductory Logic Macquarie University |
January 2012 - June 2012 |
Teaching Assistant, Critical Thinking, Macquarie University |
June 2003 - June 2008 |
Practical Tutor Database Theory and data flow modelling, The University of Western Sydney |
2023-2024 |
The University of Adelaide |
2020-2023 |
The University of Adelaide |
2014 - 2018 |
The University of Sydney |
2009 - 2011 |
The University of Sydney |
2005 - 2009 |
The University of Sydney |
1990 - 1995 |
Charles Sturt University |
* I have completed 14 units of Grad Dip psychology across three institutions due to serious, illicit interference and exceedingly toxic behaviour by some academics. 9 HDs and DIs. Adelaide only requires 8 units for a full diploma.
Public Philosophy
Research Programs and Proposals
X-Phi, AI and Philosophy of Psychology
- Exploring the intersection of X-Phi, experimental psychology, and machine learning for implementing normative ethics and super-Asimovian AI safety measures in machine and deep learning systems.
- Informational (informationistic) model of mental illness.
- Memetics, narratology, and naturalism about information.
- Information Transmission, The Extended Mind, and Small Network Model Social Mindreading on the Internet.
The Philosophy of Information
- The development of information theoretic scientific metaphysics.
- The informational/informationist turn in philosophy and logic.
- Semantic Information transmission in the infosphere.
- The Ethics of information transmission in the infosphere.
- Tutor and lecturer in Philosophy (analytic and continental, including logic).
- Marker (for all topics listed above).
- Reviewer (I have reviewed papers for Acta Analytica, Axiomathes, Erkenntnis, and Synthese: topics included scientific realism, ontic structural realism, and the philosophy of information).
- I was awarded the Lucy Firth prize in 2014 for the above Synthese paper (I missed listing due to enrollment errors, apparently/allegedly. Email available).
- I coined ‘Informationist Science Fiction’.
- Awarded a UPA Scholarship by The University of Sydney in 2009. Extended in 2012.
- Dean’s Merit List, The University of Western Sydney, 2004.
Academic Referees
Please contact for referees' contact details.