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Wednesday, 16 May 2018


There are many Information Age terms that have been deployed, invented, and called into service by excellent philosophers to describe aspects of our identities and our social setting in the 21st century: Floridi and predecessors talk about the infosphere. Floridi rightly sees us as living ‘onlife’.

We’re digital agents, digital denizens, digital citizens, and almost cyber citizens: we have extended cognition by way of our smartphones. We won’t be true cyberpunks until our consciousness is also cyber-extended. Wiener’s dictum about the nature of information probably constrains this: information is not identical to matter or energy (but it doesn’t necessarily follow that it isn’t physical.)

We’re informational animals.

However, I think we’re the intermediate manifestation of the cyberpunk. The term ‘cyberpunk’ was devised in the 1960s and 1970s not long after DARPA birthed the Internet with Cold War fighting funds (and a phenomenal and world-changing birth it was).

It’s a term that reached for the future, reflecting the belief that soon humanity would be cybernetically enhanced. It’s still an apt future-culture word. We are rushing headlong into cyberpunkdom. We’re going by way of transhumanism and the infosphere. Right now we are in a germinal stage: we’re infopunks.

At least I am certainly an infopunk.