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Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Looking Forward to Presenting at the NZAP Conference this year...

I am keenly anticipating this year's NZAP conference in Wellington New Zealand.

Here is my abstract:

I'll briefly give a characterisation of Ockham's Razor constrained by a scientific metaphysics that rejects commitments to, and the use of, a-priori conceptual analysis, the positing of abstract ontological simples as substantive, and commitment to such ideas as scale invariance. I'll then will develop a calculus and semantics for a logic of information dynamics that is partly inspired by the work and draws upon work by Paul Humphreys on emergent properties (specifically - Humphrey's physical property fusion operator) and is partly inspired by the work of Rudolph Carnap and Yehoshua Bar-Hillel's attempt to produce a metric for semantic information. I will lay out the (limited in scope) semantic machinery, axioms, and notation, and briefly compare it to information logics and measures produced by Luciano Floridi, Simon D'Alfonso, Pieter Adriaans, and Gregory Chaitin. I will then deploy this preliminary logic and its semantics as the basis for a formal expression of Ockham's Razor in informational terms, and provide some corresponding measures intended to gauge practical effective adherence to the principle.