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Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Introduction to

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The name of our research group is sometimes a little surprising to philosophical novices, since in common cultural parlance metaphysics is usually a reference to Eastern philosophy, and often has connotations of mysticism. We get a lot of Twitter followers who are Eastern religious enthusiasts (They’re more than welcome to join us, but usually do not get quite what they expect! Although – we are indeed interested in the relevance of theories of information and information transmission to the philosophy and history of religion and cosmological theories). In this post on our website, I provide a little insight...


Professional philosophers of science and ethicists have also wondered if our including in our name the term ‘metaphysics’ will confuse people, due to the use of the term in common cultural discourse. We kept the name, rather than use a more familiar, but ambiguous, general name. That alternative strategy ends up requiring explanation anyway: “So you’re the Foundations of Big Issues Institute, huh. Well – what do you actually do…?

You get the idea.

Our focus is literally, and specifically, the philosophy of information, and especially the metaphysics of information: what information is, and how it is regarded and used in the sciences. We’re also interested in the ethics of information, and in all other facets of the informational turn in philosophy and logic (which terminology is used to refer to the effect that the computing and information age had on philosophy and the philosophy of science). However, the nature and metaphysics of information is most relevant to understanding the role of information in the interpretation of nature by science.

In philosophy and the philosophy of science, metaphysics is the subdiscipline of philosophy which focuses upon the nature of things existing in the world, along with with all of their properties, structure(s), substances, dynamics, laws, constants, and causes. The metaphysics of information is about the nature of information and its properties, dynamics, and its existential basis.

Scientists, and scientific theories, make extensive reference to, and use of, concepts of information and information dynamics such as generation, processing, encoding, decoding, transmission, flow, and compression. However, there are many ways in which these are characterised and defined.

Our research is aimed at identifying and clarifying the scientific and explanatory role of information theory (broad construed in probabilistic, algorithmic, logical, and structural terms) and related theories in the sciences. In particular, we’re interested in the nature of information and information dynamics (physical, computational, algorithmic, logical, and semantic), and in what scientists think of, and describe as, information in nature (which can vary significantly between different scientific fields and theories).

We are interested in technical details, but also in some of the most fascinating big questions and issues related to information science and the information of nature:

- Is the universe information ‘at bottom’ somehow? If so, how exactly?
- Can quantum information be transmitted instantaneously? 
- If AI algorithms are epistemically opaque due to recursive self-modifying capabilities, then how do we develop an ethics for managing them, and can we manage them at all? 
- Is logic fundamentally about information, or is this just one approach to logic? 
- What is information flow, and does it reduce to or strongly supervene upon anything? 
- Do we need a separate theory of semantic information, or do we need several, or none? 
- Are we living in a simulation, and if so - what is running the simulation, and is it another simulation? Is it 'simulations all the way down'? 
- What is the relationship between information, computation, and logic? 
- What can an understanding of information dynamics (transmission, encoding, decoding, generation, processing) tell us about the explanatory gap in cognitive science? Is it real? 
- How are scientific representations information bearing, or how do they carry information, and what does that even mean in that context? 
- How are internal mental representations information bearing? 
- Is there a monist reductive basis and 'ur-concept' of information that serves as the ground or basis of all others? 
- Is information emergent: can novel information come from other information in such a way as it does not reduce to the original or base information?

If some of the above are interesting, then consider the following various interrelated conceptions of the nature of information: Logicism about information Some theorists go about describing the basis of information either using, or by reference to, logic or logics of some kind. Examples include Carnap’s attempt to describe information using his logical probabilities, the application of a logical system called situation theory (largely due to John Barwise), and attempts to use modal logic or the logic of possibilities. Logicism about information is popular with logicians, but also has traction among philosophers of information who are seeking to identify theories of semantic information, or information that is not just quantitative in nature (which conception is common from mathematical communication theory), but has inherent qualitative semantic content. Luciano Floridi has further developed infonic logic based upon situation theory in order to characterise semantic information. Subjectivism, objectivism, cognitivism, and probabilism about information

Some theorists think that information cannot exist without an agent to consume, receive, or interpret it. This position is called subjectivism about information, or subjectivism about the nature of information. There are weaker and stronger forms of subjectivism. Weaker forms usually do not require the interpreting or receiving agent to be cognitive, or to have a mind. The stronger form of subjectivism about information does require the agent to have cognition, or to have a mind, and is thus also cognitivism about the nature of information.

There are also cognitivist subjectivist conceptions of information that relate to group epistemic updating (the sharing of semantic information as the basis of knowledge sharing in groups), and to specific theories of the psychological transmission of concepts and representations like the meme theory of Richard Dawkins. Subjectivism about information can be either direct or inherited. Direct subjectivists about information just think that information requires either a cognitive or non-cognitive agent as a receiver, consumer, or interpreter. Indirect or inherited subjectivism about information arises when the concept of information reduces to something else that is subjectivist. The most common example is probabilities. Just as there are subjectivist and objectivist conceptions of information, there are subjectivist and objectivist conceptions of probabilities. Subjectivism about probabilities usually defines probabilities in terms of the willingness of a cognitive and epistemic agent to bet on an outcome, or else as being based upon how a cognitive agent should ideally estimate probabilities based upon some kind of background data. Objectivism about probabilities often considers them in terms of frequencies of event outcomes in long runs of trials of some experiment. Other alternatives involve physical propensities for certain outcomes to occur on the basis of some kind of laws or nomic natural constraints. There are conceptions of the nature of information that regard it as being based upon subjectivist probabilities, and others that take it to reduce to objectivist probabilities.

Domain Experts

There are a number of other conceptions of the nature of information, including (but not limited to) mathematical, doxastic (belief based), algorithmic, and physical or physicalistic conceptions. There is now extensive literature available for all of these variants and their various combinations. There are a number of more esoteric, but nevertheless interesting, questions related to information and information transmission in culture and society. What does information have to do with aesthetics? If you represent a grant body, scientific foundation, or other institution that could benefit from our expertise, then please contact us on or . - Dr Bruce Long.

Friday, 15 February 2019

IIMx Announcing a new research initiative and small project : Epigenetics and Naturalised Information


For a long time the central dogma of molecular biology - that information cannot pass from the phenotype to the genotype - held rigid influence over the molecular biosciences. While the central dogma still has a place, the challenge to its scope from the field of epigenetics has now taken hold in the biosciences worldwide.

It's well understood that methylation effects in the cytoplasm during certain stages of development can be transmitted (Bird, A. (2002). DNA methylation patterns and epigenetic memory. Genes & Development16(1), 6–21. 

Another well known example of epigenetic information transmission is prions, or proteinaceous infectious particles. These are the kind of non-viral and non-bacterial pathogens that cause such diseases as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease/syndrome. Because the disease agents are fragments of protein, and not genetic information like that which viruses advantage, the transmission of information in the disease is from  Protein fragments to cellular DNA (Chakravarty, A. K., & Jarosz, D. F. (2018). More than Just a Phase: Prions at the Crossroads of Epigenetic Inheritance and Evolutionary Change. Journal of Molecular Biology430(23), 4607–4618.
This IIMx research project, initiated and being undertaken by research director Dr Bruce Long, is aimed at identifying the best conception(s) of causation and naturalised information for application to epigenetic information transmission.

If you would like to participate by way of funding (and have IP and publishing/copyright rights at certain funding levels) please contact or visit our Patreon funding page:


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Tuesday, 29 January 2019 has launched

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I have launched the Website for The Institute for Informational Metaphysics. I am proud to welcome on board science and philosophy council members Professor Anton Sukhoverkhov and Professor Shan Gao. Other council members are being added hourly, so keep an eye on our council page. If you have doctoral credentials in your field of science or philosophy, and you engage with information theory as part of your discipline, then email to ask about the benefits of being a council member.

You will need a Facebook account to see the following content:


Friday, 11 January 2019

Artificial Intelligence, Human Sources, and Processing-power asymmetry: the metrics of the AI Ethical challenge.

Part of my existing research plan includes research about the ethics of information transmission. What does this trivial sounding description mean? In order for information - according to most contemporary competing descriptions of the nature of information* - to be deployed or effective (either in accordance with teleological content or on the basis of cause-effect complexes), it needs to be encoded and transmitted some distance. Even reading directly from a source requires this. (*There are dozens of conceptions of the nature of information, but most require transmission capability, including statistical, algorithmic (Kolmogorovian and Solomonovorian), semiotic-significatory (Peircian), and teleosemantic.) Where semantic information (I have argued [1] [2] that all information is inherently and intrinsically semantic on a causal and indicative basis) is transmitted, there is an ethical dimension whenever any human agent is, or is part of, the source of that information. Any information generated by, encoded from, or originating at a human agent source is ethical because it intrinsically indicates something about that agent/person. 
Artificial intelligence algorithms, and especially those that involve recursively self-modifying code, will be able to manipulate this information and make powerful predictions based upon it. Our ability to comprehend or even detect how this is achieved may in some cases be very limited or non-existent, even with computer and AI-aided analyses.  This is probably going to be especially true of AI algorithms running on quantum computing platforms. Such AI (especially strong AI if, and when, it eventuates) will be able to use and manipulate both the most basic, and the most complex, of signals and messages emitted or transmitted from a human-agent source, and do so in ways that human agents are not even capable of tracking or analysing (not without computer aided analysis involving other AI or deep learning algorithms.) 
There will be a high-risk epistemic and processing/cognitive-power asymmetry between AI algorithms of this kind and the human sources whose information they process. If we apply any one of a number of metrics to the disparity or distance between the processing power of AI algorithms and their human target sources, this asymmetry is likely to increase at non-linear rates, probably far outstripping the non-linearity of the well known Moore’s law for the increase in computing power over time.


Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Snow in Central China

Snow on and off for three weeks in Central China. I did not know that it snowed so much here or got so cold in the Hubei-Hebei region. I think Melbourne will be hot today.